Sunday 1 May 2016

Anonymous: A BIG Joke

The only thing I like about anonymous is their mask. Nothing else makes them anonymous. You see over Facebook and other social-media websites flooding with "Anonymous" groups and wonder, "Are they really anonymous over here?".. Those who clain to hack for Anonymous are big jokers and let me tell you the holy truth:

I don't get why anonymous gets talked about so much, in a serious way. When I first heard about them, I thought they were awesome. It got me excited that there could be this group of people on the internet who were very computer savvy and revolutionary, and could make a difference. Since observing their activities over a time, though, that completely faded. At this point they're pretty much a joke. I don't understand why people talk about them so seriously. Literally all they do is take down websites for a few hours. Or lock people out of their social media accounts. Like...really? How does that impact anything whatsoever? Its just like an annoyance that the people have to deal with for a couple of hours. It makes no difference. It seemed to me, and still does, that if you truly have great hacking capabilities, you could probably actually do some stuff that could make a difference. Release information, alter things, or something. But they just shut websites down for a few hours. They do nothing of any significance. It's kind of a joke. 

The only reason hackers go with stupid people like those who claim to be so called "Anonymous" is because of fame. And believe me, it's all about fame and nothing else. There is no such brother or sisterhood in Anonymous. Everyone is on their own and it's a big joke because of various practical reasons:

1) It's not a group, it's an idea and I like it.. But who's there to give it a direction??
2) I cannot trust anyone cause even the feds can see all the activities we do there
3) People can dox you if they're not in good terms with you
4) Do they really help? The only help I've got till date is the sharing and liking of my posts...
5) Are all of em' hackers? HELL TO THE NO! Most are jokers and homeless people wanting to find "justice" in the capitalist society which I can sadly but surely tell they won't ever get.

Now how much more crappy can this be?
So I reported about a dozen and more terrorist affiliated and directly linked profiles on Facebook, Twitter and other. I also exposed some IP Addresses linked to ISIS on the DeepWeb including the Tor network and I2P. But did anyone care helping except from saying "good". NO! I can't blame them cause they're just there for fame and don't give any shit about the basic idea of fighting the wrong. They just come and write shit loads of posts and share blogs like mine to show off that they help, but liek my previous blog posts I would again like to say, noone gives a shit about the daily news posts about what we already see everyday on Google. YOU ARE NOT SHARING AND CARING BUT ANNOYING EVERYONE.
The only people I say work and do a great job have become my friends but still many are noobs. Atleast they learn and do it. But atlast the truth remains the same, "Anonymous is an idea, and very few people are real, rest all are attention grabbers."

And YES, Take this offense seriously.

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