Tuesday, 3 May 2016

The Future of Technology

The Future of Cyber Security and Technology

A year back I used to wonder why fans don't have any remote to control it and now there are fans with remote control and also a led light attached at the bottom. This may seen as a normal part of technological advancements but as we see this change always occurring, we also see a bunch of problems coming along with them. This is going to be a relatively long blog post and the completion may take some time, but after reading this you all will realize how important security is and how important it is to test the products for security loopholes before commercializing anything. Also how important updating the product can be and to contradict it, why you should keep some legacy products. So sit back and read this post. Enjoy!

Some basic facts
1) Technological advancements never stop and it's we who call for it always. Let's see a small situation: Many people protested about streets not being clean and that there was garbage dumped anywhere in Indian streets. The new government won the election and started a clean India campaign. Many people participated including the celebrities and other renowned persons. This not only bought a change in the society as a whole but also may influence other countries to cope up with the India in the case of cleanliness. I never admit that it has solved the problem completely and it may never do so. Cleanliness in India is like asking to remove poverty in the world. It never completely goes away. 
So now the government also launched a smartphone application for clean India. This application like any other BJP application focuses more on the face of Prime Minister rather can providing useful functions. But we can't deny that atleast we have an application from the governments side...That too an Android application. 
The point I wanted to make here was that this too is an example of technological advancement that will keep  happening and will never stop. It may take time, or delay a bit, but will and can never stop because we cannot live in isolation of what the world is doing.

2) Cyber Threats will never stop as well.. Some may seen freaked out by this statement but it's the universal truth now. As new technology comes in, new threats emerge and new precautions get formed. This is an ongoing cycle and there is nothing in the world that cannot be exploited. Nothing!

3) Internet is not hidden, it's open and ever increasing. Keep repeating the mantra: "what goes online, stays there forever" and you can be safe from many online threats. Stay to your roots because internet is not your home, it's just another means to entertain humans that humans made for themselves.

Harsh Truth
The harsh truth based on simple fact #2 is that every electronic gadget can be exploited and hacked.. This is not unknown that ATM machines can be hacked. Now many people say that ATM's have a small system that's why we can hack them, but the truth is that even if there was not a system in it and it was like a radio controlled money providing machine(though this idea makes no sense to even imagine), it would be hacked in some ways to spew out the money. When we can control a cockroach, we can do anything..
So here are some question found on Google which I will try to correctly answer:
#1. Can cars be hacked?
Ans. Yes. We can hack the dashboard, the music player(because it's a different entity, the controls(in-case of automatic cars) and now also the car opening automatic keys. There is research going on in various car manufacturing companies on how to solve this problem and how to make the cars more secure.

#2. Can we make artificial intelligence like 'Iron Man's Jarvis'?
Ans. Yes we can.. When you talk about artificial intelligence like Jarvis, it's possible and already made! Apple has pretty good voice assistance named "Siri" in it. Though many may say that it takes it's answers from internet and cannot be called an artificial intelligence, but these people should ask the makers of  "Iron Man" that why didn't they clarify that Jarvis could or could not take information from the internet? 
The only thing I can say is that if we want most of our questions answered without an internet, we need to have a whole football ground to keep our own computers at and then run a small mobile application to search offline. Is that what Jarvis means to these dumb people?.. Owning a football field and Google's servers?

#3 Can animals be hacked?
Ans. Haha, Yes. We can remote control a cockroach now any also other animals like mice. Now the time is near when we can have our own "living" mice to play with. 
Near future will bring inventions like controlling all the rodents with WiFi signal and playing with them, making them do weird stunts..

#4 Rise of digital warfare? Is it truth?
Ans. It was, it is, it will remain. Digital warfare was there from the time computers came in. It's the question of how do we define a war? Is war defined in terms of countries vs countries OR Blackhat's vs Countries?
I think that even the hackers, the useless script kiddies that conduct a ddos or boot attack on victims are the part of digital warfare. As for the hackers those who deface websites and other stuff to convey messages like "free some bullshit country" are part of a warfare.. And as for me, many of such ill minded people have a lot of support.

#5 Is Anonymous really harmful? What's their future?
Ans. Idk why this question comes up in my email? really... still stuck on Anonymous? There are a lot more, better organized groups that work towards conveying a message. Anonymous "was" notorious back in the days, but now it's a bunch of small hackers and street people trying to protest every second day. Do they bring a change? Yes, they do bring a change.. Give the credits to the old hackers who made the group notorious. As such, no one including the law enforcement care about the group. Yes, they do keep in touch with activities that go on in there just to make sure no one really does the harm, but we all know they concentrate more on "Million mask march" than hacking..
The future is predictable and as per my good prediction, they will slowly diminish but after a long time unless they do something really big. I mean apart from Million Mask.. Like if they hack some FBI or disclose some big enough secret to rock the world or even the USA as such.. Otherwise, they'll just be live other activist groups protesting on streets(just wearing a mask)...

With that being said, I also answered some question emailed to me.. You can also ask question on fb for direct answers.


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