Wednesday 6 April 2016

Making First Virus - Windows Batch Script

Making First Virus - Windows Batch Script

Before you start making your own virus, you've to know that you need to know some languages, maybe one or two to start making old as well as researching new viruses. Virus making is the easiest stuff anyone can do provided you are good at any language. Back in my 3rd grade, everyone used to make write "circle 360" code in LOGO to hang the system :P

So if you know any languages, good that you may have figured out loops.. Loops are the main part of worms. So let's start knowing the most basic, noob, undetectable and windows friendly script - Batch

What is Batch?
Batch is a native windows scripting language for controlling Command Prompt ( Windows Command Shell ). So what it really does is that it controls cmd through the given script instructions. You can do basic stuff like cut, copy, paste files, directories etc.. And some advance stuff like deleting the whole C:/ drive etc...

Example 1 - Batch Loop (Repeating Text)
You need notepad only!

@echo off

Save the file as "anything.bat". Any name will do but ".bat" needs to be there..
Explanation: @echo off tell cmd to turn off the echo(text). ":a" tells cmd to create an instance "a". "echo" tells cmd to display text & "goto:a" tells cmd to repeat what was in ":a" ie:echo YOUR_TEXT... Simple!
Exmple 2 - Batch Loop (Fork Bomb Virus)

@echo off
start cmd

 Now that you know how to make basic loops, you can make undetected stresser using it like the one above.. What it does is that opens infinite Command Prompt windows and then hangs the victims computer or shuts it down due to over heating or more Cpu usage. 
The real question is how to change it into .exe to give it to others?

Now get your exe file and spread. No antivirus will detect it because it's not a virus but a basic windows command..
This cannot harm the computer no matter how old it is..

Have fun.

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